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Topic Reading-Vol.1172-6/27/2015

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
UN warns of alarming level in global refugee numbers
Nearly 60 million last year. Why are so many innocent people forced to leave their homeland? In old days, there were numbers of people who were left no choice but to move to another place because of famine or natural disasters. Also there were people who had to evacuate from their land to escape from oppression by their rulers or intruders by others, as well as domestic violence or conflicts.
However, why the number of refugees has been increasing in the 21st century? There is United Nations to bring peace and order to the world which has been in place for nearly 70 years. Does human ingenuity and intelligence only function to bring benefits in IT, science or finance?
Enjoy reading and learning how the world still suffer from conflicts and unruliness.

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