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Topic Reading-Vol.643-1/14/2014

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Latvia becomes 18th state to join the Eurozone.
How many of you are familiar with this small ex-Soviet country that is sandwiched by its Baltic neighbors Lithuania and Estonia? It has been independent only since 1990 when they restored its independence from Soviet. This tiny country with just two-million population has become the newest member of the second most traded currency, Euro.
For the last two weeks since the beginning of this year, both their own currency, Lat, has also been circulated but today’s the last for Latvians to see their old coins and notes.
Some are in favor of the move, expecting new investment from other countries to come in, but others are worrying about inflation and or simply missing their pride currency. The move also could mean the country’s more reliance on European countries and economy in the future than Russia, which is the largest trade partner for the country today.
Enjoy reading and learning about a historic change for the Baltic nation.

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