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Topic Reading-Vol.585-11/17/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Chinese officials 'set 1,000 cats loose in forest'
If just a single truck can fill itself with 1,000 cats to transport to a food market, how many cats are served and dined in restaurants in China?
A truck carrying those cats was stopped by animal activists and the local police because the driver did not have a correct document. So what if the driver had possessed a correct document? They might have released the truck because there are no laws or regulations to protect non-endangered animals in China. As a matter of fact, those rescued cats were inconsiderately released in a nearby mountain by the police, and the animal activists tried to retrieve them!
Dogs, cats and shark fins. Are these all needed to fill their stomachs?
Enjoy reading and learning how cats could be treated in China.

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