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Topic Reading-Vol.326-3/3/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
Shark kills number 100 million annually, research says.
When a human is attacked by a shark, it becomes big news around the area. Swimmers and surfers get afraid of this predatory marine creature. The level of fear is so high, as shown in the movie called “Jaws”, that sometimes a large scale shark hunt is conducted.
However, while the number of annual “shark attacks to humans” is less than a hundred even in the record-high year, the number of “human attacks to sharks” is over a million times larger, according to the latest analysis by marine scientists. Since the reproduction cycle of sharks ranges between several years to over 10 years and the reproduction rate isn’t high enough to keep its population, human appetite, particularly for luxurious Chinese soup, seems to turn this marine predator to a prey in the ocean.
Enjoy reading and learning how predatory human appetite is. 

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