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Topic Reading-Vol.303-2/8/2013

Dear MEL School’s Topic Readers,
UK lawmakers approve same-sex marriage in first vote.
Despite strong oppositions from conservatives, their prime minister’s own party, and the Church of England, Briton’s lawmakers voted in favor of same-same sex marriage by majority, opening the way to legalize same-sex marriages.
England and Wales, two of the four countries of the UK, has already recognized civil partnerships between gay couples.
There are nearly a dozen states that allow same-sex marriage, including Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Spain, South Africa and Norway, so do nine states and Washington D.C. in the U.S.
In ten years time, how many states will still not recognize equality in marriage, or at least social or legal status of gay couples?
Enjoy reading and learning about the latest move in a conservative but liberal state. 

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